Trinity Credit Services

Trinity Credit Services is one of the hundreds of companies promising that they will repair your credit. It seems like a new one is popping up everyday. Now your about to find out what you really get when you deal with these companies!

When you are searching the internet or watching TV, Companies promising Credit Repair, Debt Relief, and Consolidation are everywhere. How can there be so many companies like Especially when they say that they have been doing it for years!

The truth is that most if not all have only started Credit Repair recently. Most are owned by entrepreneurs that are trying to cash in on the rapidly growing market. The fact is if you know how to clean up your own credit, you will do a much better job than TrinityCreditServices.

The Federal Trade Commission Website that protects the public from False and Misleading advertising states that these so-called Credit Experts don’t do anything that you could not easily do yourself. If you have had any experience with this company we invite you to share it at the bottom of this pageat the bottom of this page.

Here is how it works with and almost every other company. They promise to clear up blemishes on your credit, but they say, “it takes time.” This is not true! The reason they say that is because all they do is use a computer program to generate a dispute letter and send it to the Credit Bureaus every 60 to 90 days. Big Deal! You can easily do this yourself, you don’t need them. They want you to believe the time thing so that they can continue to charge you month after month.

Trinity Credit Services is basically a “Credit Mill” that herds Credit Repair customers through like a cattle drive. They are not concerned with your credit, but they are concerned with your money. You can’t really believe that they have Lawyers, Paralegals, and Credit Counselors writing original letters on your behalf, every other month, can you?

Whole idea is just to drag this out and maybe if your lucky, you might have something removed from your credit, if you see any benefit at all! After your experience with Trinity Credit Services you’ll be very lucky if your credit is not in worse shape than when you started. They are right about one thing, time is important, but they tell you the opposite of what is true. The quicker you do it the better it is, not dragging it out like they will!

You don’t need to waste your time and money on Trinity Credit Services, after all who cares more about your credit than you do? You can control the process yourself and make it happen Fast. All you need to do is know the tips and techniques of REAL Credit Experts. If you have had any experience with TrinityCredit we invite you to share it at the bottom of this page.

We have researched almost all of the “Credit Repair” programs and found the same thing. They all want to charge an arm and a leg and basically all do the same thing. YOU can easily do it yourself, get better results, and save yourself a lot of money. Of the programs we have seen the ones below deliver results and do what they promise:


Top Credit Repair Programs
(See Reviews Below)
Site Link Rating Guarantee Fee 5 of 5 60 Days $47.00
4.0 60 Days $49.00 3.5 60 Days $47.00
3.0 60 Days $49.00

5 out of 5

Rick Miller’s 24 Hour Credit Fix is firmly stationed on the top of our list and using this information will save you from getting robbed by some fly-by-night company. It is far and away the best do-it-yourself Credit Repair Program we have ever seen. The reason is simple: Rick is the REAL DEAL! He has years of experience as a Loan Officer with a Major Bank and really was the Manager of a Major Credit Bureau for almost five years. The Rapid Rescoring and Quick Credit Repair Techniques you will be guided through will repair and even Increase your Credit Score FAST.

You will learn the techniques, tips, and tricks that Credit Repair Companies use to repair credit, but it won’t be a long drawn out process. Dragging it out is one of the main ways these so-called Credit Repair Companies justify charging you so much. This information puts YOU in control of this process! Rick makes sure that you understand how to purchase a Home to increase your credit score, get unsecured loans and high limit credit card, settle your debts for a fraction of what you owe, and much more. All the time INCREASING your Credit Score unlike the so-called Credit Repair Companies that will ruin it!

In short, you will know everything that Credit Repair Experts know and you can start using that knowledge immediately. The Bonuses alone that you receive from are easily worth the price of the program. If you truly want to Repair Bad Credit and come out with an even Higher Credit Score this will absolutely show you step-by-step How To Do It. With the Bonus Material, On-Going Support, and Guidance, 24HrCreditFix is the Best we have found bar none!

One Time: $47.00

To check it out for yourself:
Click Here


4.0 out of 5

The Credit-Repair-Secrets-Revealed Guide is authored by David Reese. David has years of extensive experience with a well known Credit Repair Company. His insider knowledge and expertise in the actual workings of the Credit Repair Industry will help you achieve your objective FAST! David will take you step by step through repairing your own credit and therefore eliminates the fees and negatives associated with going through a credit repair company.

This Secrets Revealed Guide will give you simple techniques to repair your credit report at any major Credit Reporting Bureau and these techniques are extremely valuable for anyone with negative blemishes on their report. David will show you how to eliminate late payments, bankruptcy, charge-offs, tax liens, and others. This is all explained in easy to follow steps and there is no need for any outside help.

Every credit repair “specialist” will tell you that it is almost impossible to repair your credit and that it takes a long time. David Reese shows you how to repair your bad credit and do it now! This information insists that you stay away from online credit repair companies that basically take your money and do nothing, but let time itself take care of it.

David actually provides you with his private email address and it is this combined with the easy to follow information that ranks this as one of the best.

One Time: $49.00

To check it out for yourself: Click Here


3.5 out of 5

David actually is one of the better programs that we have tested. There is a significant amount of information and step-by-step guidance to help you with cleaning up you Credit Score. The is a lot of good information about correctiing errors, minimizing the effect of bankruptcies, repossessions, tax liens, and late pays.

You will certainly come out of this program with a very good working knowledge of how the system works and how to implement various techniques that will definitely help your credt score. This makes our list because it is not just hyped up information that is not tried and tested, it actually works! It is worth the money, but this is no comparison to which you can get for the same price.

One Time: $47.00

To check it out for yourself: Click Here


3.0 out of 5

Dave Moore created the Bad Credit Bomber to help those that are suffering through the negative emotional and financial consequences of Not-so-great Credit. A low Credit Score assumes that you have Court Judgements, Bankruptcies, and other serious issues when that may not be the case. If you do have those situations it does not have to be the end of good credit. And Dave shows you why in clear concise terms.

This system will help you to clear your credit report by following a clear cut set of steps, but you MUST follow the steps in the order specified. Dave understands that Credit Problems can keep you from leading a normal life and make you feel helpless, so he deals with those issues as well.

This is very complete and thorough information. It offers 9 letter templates. These are plug n play and can be systematically used in many different situations. Using these cut and paste techniques can be useful and sometimes, not so much. Dave is pretty good at helping you to understand where and when to use the specific tools. He also helps you to understand the loopholes in the Credit Bureau Process and repair your credit fast through uncomplicated and easy to understand strategies.

This program is relatively new even though the information is legitimate, but we have not fully seen all the results. It may move up in the rankings, but it will have to really show us something to justify the price.

One Time: $67.00

To check it out for yourself: Click Here


Top Credit Repair Programs
(See Reviews Above)
Site Link Rating Guarantee Fee 5 of 5 60 Days $47.00
4.0 60 Days $49.00 3.5 60 Days $47.00
3.0 60 Days $49.00

Share your experience with Trinity Credit Services or anything else?