
Unedited Customer Review:

Name of the Company You are Reviewing::

Your Name: larissa barreras

Your Location(ex: Austin, Tx):: morganton nc

Is your review based on FIRSTHAND information?: Yes

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Send it to us and we will post it!: TrafficCashGold company runs www.trafficcashgold,, they are a work at home affiliate adult site. I signed up to work for TrafficCashGold, getting permission before hand to advertise/promote a certain way..

afterwords they refused to pay me saying i am a cheat. the company has no real name it goes under dellwood holdings, net management and the phone number (does not work) that is listed on their site is registered not to lisa who they say you are going to talk to but bridget shaw who is the owner of a 3rd company name global management llc.

they are scamming ppl to work for them and not paying be very aware!!! they refuse to give me contact info for the real company, they refuse to answer my questions saying that talking to me is wasting thier time. (United States)