The Internet Profits | Sarah Hunter

The Internet Profits , yet another in the long line of programs promoted by some FAKE news website using stock photos,fictitious names, and I.P. reading software to find out where YOU live. Now you will learn the truth.

I have to give “ Sarah Hunter “ and The Internet Profits System some credit. This is one of the only one of these “not affiliate marketing” affiliate marketing programs that I have seen that actually tells you (at the bottom) that this story is basically TOTALLY made up.

“It’s based upon the real life adaptation of the parties involved.” And that the woman’s name that they use isn’t real: “For purposes of privacy, the creator of The Internet Profits is using a pen name.”

Most of the other gazillion things out there that tell a very similar story, use a fake female name, and “give” you a website and training for a ridiculously low cost aren’t as “honest” about telling you that they are fake.

Sarah Hunter claims that The Internet Profits is not an affiliate program yet most of the “proof” that she shows all over The Internet Profits website are CLICKBANK payment pages. If you are not aware, Clickbank is a place where you go to find AFFILIATE PROGRAMS to sell, that is ALL they have there.

Probably on the site that YOU saw this, there is some huge long string of letters and numbers in the website address window meaning, IT'S AN AFFILIATE PROGRAM!

It is all so absurdly preposterous!

So apparently “Jen” is selling ClickBank products or this “proof” is fake. Either way, this is not telling you clearly what is going on here.

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