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Paid To Place | Kathy GarciaPaid To Place by Kathy Garcia tells a heart wrenching story, but is it ACTUALLY going to make you money? Now you will find out! There are so MANY websites that push this "link posting" that it is almost unbelievable. They pretty much all are introduced with the same sob story of a single mother and use the same "cherry hill mom" video. Most of the time they funnel people to the program using a FAKE "news" website as you will see in the video below. However, the paid to place website is a little different. You may have been led to it by going to the "Paid To Place" Blog, where "Kathy Garcia" (which is probably a fake name). ALL the others use fake names and stock pictures) trying to butter you up. Video I have tried and tested hundreds of opportunities and ONLY ONE still provides a Rock Solid Income and it is FREE. To see it for yourself Click Here Here's more about Paid To Post if you want to see it: When you get to the actual Paid To Place website, it is the same old tired story that all of the others tell. There is a twist on the Paid To Place website however. What Paid To Place and Kathy Garcia want you to get involved with is “Link Posting.” This is where they try to convince you to become an “affiliate” with “major companies” and post ads all over the place. This so called “opportunity” is NOT affiliated with Google in any way, shape or form. You are not working “for” these companies, you are trying to get people to buy products through your “link” in hopes that you will make a commission. It’s a joke! You don’t need the Paid To Place , Kathy Garcia for this, almost every company will gladly give you an affiliate link for free. Then you are supposed to sit and endlessly put up ads, but the ONLY way that you have a snowball’s chance of making one dime is to do Pay-Per-Click. This is where YOU actually pay for people to click on your ads. The only people that get "Paid" in this scenario is Google or Yahoo when YOU "Pay to Place" ads! This is a monumental waste of time and money. As I said, this is nothing new, there are zillions of these bogus sites all over the place and once you’re involved they just keep hitting you for more and more money. There is no need to get involved with this Paid To Place futility, I have tried and tested hundreds of opportunities and ONLY ONE still provides a Rock Solid Income and it is FREE. To see it for yourself Click Here