Omni Business Solutions

Omni Business Solutions in associaion with PR Universal Consulting, Empire Mentoring Group, Shanklin International and The Shanklin group profess to be "experts" at Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization. Now you are about to find out the whole story!

Omni Business states that they want to help you set up and profit from an internet business by providing you a "mentor" who will be your hands on guide through this process.They will promise you BIG money and that is how they justify asking you for really BIG MONEY!

There is more interesting information below about Omni Business, but this recently submitted customer review pretty much sums it up:


On Fri Mar 30 23:27:29 2012, the following results were submitted from the "Review" on

Name of the Company You are Reviewing: Omni Business Solutions

Your Name: Kathie

Your Location(ex: Austin, Tx):: Canada

Is your review based on FIRSTHAND information?: Yes

E-mail Address:

Send it to us and we will post it!: I purchased two websites from Omni Business Solutions myself in March 2008. I had the same experience with the minimal web hosting help. By the time my sessions ended I was left with half of a website done and no more help. I contacted them and tried to get my money back but got a huge run around.

I paid them $8000.00 for two sites and had only started one. I tried to get $4000.00 back for the site I had not started yet and they told me they had no file on me at all. I emailed the person helping me set up my website and was told to contact this other company because they handled the money and refunds.

I contacted the company and spoke to the salesman that sold me the sites and he sent me back to Omni Business stating they handled the money and refunds. By the time I was through talking to people that didn't know anything about it the person who sold me the websites no longer worked there and Omni could not help me. I have since tried to contact them by phone and website can't get in touch with them.

Thank you


User's IP address: (Canada)


I have tried and tested hundreds of online opportunities and ONLY ONE still provides a Rock Solid Income and it is 100% FREE. To see it for yourself Click Here

The mentoring program that is supposed to do all this is headed up by Jeremy Cobb(who?) I have been intensely involved with Internet Marketing, on a full time basis, for over 11 years and I have never heard his name before. If he really has done anything special online he has kept it a secret, but now he is appearing out of nowhere claiming to be THE EXPERT!

The “mentors” claim to be experts on Affiliate Marketing, Ebay and Auction, Advertising and Sales Copywriting, Email and eZine Marketing and List Building Strategies, and Online Business Setup and Protection. In other words, anything and everything they could think of to put on the website.

Omni Solutions claims to be “experts” at Search Engine Optimization, which means getting you a very high Traffic Ranking, for instance Yahoo! is #1. On the other hand, Omni Business Solutions is #329,300 which is not bad. But for a company that is supposed to specialize in this, it’s terrible.

Now, if they can’t do a better job of this for themselves, what do you think they are going to do for you? I’ll tell you what they will do for you or better yet, I’ll tell you what they have done for many people who have contacted me.

The emails that I have received, which I have on file, all seem to relay about the same story. They were contacted by pushy salesmen giving them the hard sell to join the mentoring program for about $4000. When they refused, another call came in offering the same thing at around $2700 and some accepted that offer.

But after seeing that it was not what was promised, they tried to cancel, but the $2700 still appeared on their credit card bills from Omni Business. With much fighting, arguing, and hassling some were able to get a portion of the money back and even after that, some had the same charge appear on their bill again or ongoing charges for $39.95!

Others tell of “mentoring sessions” that lasted about 15-30 minutes with people that didn’t know much more about it than they did, unstoppable hosting fee charges for websites that don’t exist, and a variety of other things.

It may seem that I am being a little harsh on Omni Business, but if you got several emails, from people on the verge of financial ruin because of false promises by Omni Business Solutions, it might get under your skin too!

I have tried and tested hundreds of online opportunities and ONLY ONE still provides a Rock Solid Income and it is 100% FREE. To see it for yourself Click Here

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