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Niche BluePrintNiche Blue Print is the the creation of Steve Clayton, Tim Godfrey, Dave, and Mike Hermansen, which I am sure you already know. But I am about to tell you some things you didn't know. Read this whole page or you'll have only yourself to blame! First of all the techniques taught in this course are not knew. However, Niche Marketing can be very good if you know the REAL secrets, that's exactly why I have been teaching it for over 10 YEARS! I had to learn the ins and outs of it the old fashion way, trial and error. When I first started Niche Marketing, all the so called "gurus" who are promoting it now, said that you couldn't make any money with it. I have for a LONG Time, so I know the practical tricks and techniques that really work. Steve Clayton and Tim Godfrey are very good at putting together Sales Pages and convincing people to buy from them, but according to what I have heard, the Sales Page is about the best thing about it. Niche Marketing BluePrint is no exception, the Sales Page is very good. However, It is a BOLD statement to claim that you can make Millions of Dollars just by following their methods alone. They use the same old things to induce you to buy, like saying they will only put out X number, if you wait to long the price will go up, and so on. This is unusual since a Bunch of people are already out there selling it as Affiliates AFTER they say it's Sold Out! What concerns me is the reports I have received about Niche Marketing BluePrint. I was told that it is just a video of him sitting in his bedroom recording. The first "Module" is simply an Introduction which seems reasonable, but... The next Module basically tells you to think of 20 different Topics, find Niches and Sub Niches, which is no great mystery. It also suggests things like going to Amazon.com and looking at Magazines for ideas, so it's sounding somewhat underwhelming. At the time of this writing, they have not even "released" the more "Modules." Those are supposed to be released in the weeks to come. One source told me that HE is convinced that they are making this up as they go. That may or may not be true, but it does seem strange that they would chop it up like this. He told me in no uncertain terms that he is returning it for a refund! If Steve Clayton and Tim Godfrey are going to continue to drag this out, piece mealing out the information, it could take quite a while to really get something up and going. It would seem more reasonable to get all the information you need to succeed, in your hands RIGHT NOW! You can check back to find out what this is all leading to as additional "Modules" are available and to see if there will be any additional on-going charges. Other than $10 Annual Domain Fee, $10/month per website for Shopping Cart, $20-$30/month for Merchant Account, and $10 a month for a phone number. I have tried and tested MANY programs and ONLY ONE has Proven to produce a Rock Solid Income for the lowest possible cost. To see it for yourself Click Here Share your experience with Niche Blueprint, Steve Clayton, or Tim Godfrey?