Free Store Club Customer Reports


Name: Terry L. Fields

Location: Alcoa , TN.

Is your review based on FIRSTHAND information?: Yes

Rate this program:: Worst

Title of your review:: Freestoreclub

Freestore club is nothing but lies andcan cost you alot of money if you not careful. I am a former Gold member. Ispent over a thousand dollars trying to get some income in return. They show youa lot of products to sell. I personaly wanted to set my self up in the musicaland leather departments. After spending alot of money I discovered that not onlydid they not keep the items they offered that attracted me to join, I found outthat they flat out lied about the quality of the products they offered. I wouldvery much like to get together with as many people as possible and sue the pantsoff of Paul Burks for flat out taking peoples money. Please stay away from thefreestoreclub for it is nothing but a scam. Out of the $1000.00 dollars I spentI only Recieved a whopping $1.00 check from FSC and I have alot of worthlessItems in storage that I can't sell.


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