DS Domination is becoming very popular online, it is almost a frenzy.
That is all good, but what will YOU REALLY have to do to succeed with DS Domination?
DS Domination, as you probably already know, stands for Drop Ship Domination. First, what exactly is drop shipping?
It is pretty simple, you find a product to sell, say at Amazon.com and you list it on some auction site, let's say eBay, you mark it up in price and hope to sell it for a profit. When/IF you sell it, you get the money, buy the product and in most cases, Amazon will ship it for you.
Sounds pretty simple, huh?
Well... To sell a product, you have to FIND A PRODUCT that people are looking for!
Now DS Domination does show you some ways to find products, but it is hit or miss.
It is A LOT of work and in many cases, for not much money. You might get lucky and make some decent money on a product, if you can find one that a bunch of others are not trying to sell also.
That seems to be the exception not the rule.
How do I know this? Did I try to do it? NOOO!
However, I have contacts that did, but they didn't stick with it very long. One case that stands out and mind you this is a person that is a WORKHORSE, with EVERYTHING he does and a very smart guy.
Here was his experience:
He is a VERY creative and imaginative guy (he is also a Doctor, by the way), so he came up with ideas about unusual products that did not have a lot of competition, which ain't easy.
What was one of them (his best seller), Rifle Scopes!
Pretty original, huh?
Well, he was able to narrow it down to a particular one that is relatively popular and he sold quite a number of them, but here's what he was able to do:
He tested the price points and he was able to determine that he could sell them for $7 dollars over the listed retail price, SEVEN DOLLARS!
To make a long story short, after all that work, he was able to sell 13 of them over about a two week period of time. That is a whopping $91.
The idea of course is that you have numerous products going at one time.
That, in a nutshell, is what you would be doing in this aspect of DS Domination.
The MAIN way that people are trying to make money with this however is by RECRUITING others.
There are various levels to DS Domination, the first one at about $25.
Now believe me, you will not get rich recruiting people into this for the $25 level. So obviously, the idea is to find others that have the money or can make the money to upgrade to the higher levels.
THAT surely is not an easy thing to do and talk about competition, whew! Get out of town!
Now am i saying that DS Domination is a scam? Absolutely not.
You may kill it with this process, but you are going to have to put in some SERIOUS effort. Of course, that is true with anything you try to do.
I don't mean for the tone of this to be particularly negative, but after all this site is called HomeBasedBusinessReviews. I am just trying to give you an idea of how it works and what DS Domination entails.
Are there people making money with this? There has to be or there would not be so many people doing it. Do people some people make money with drop shipping? Yes, if they REALLY know what they are doing.
Perhaps DS Domination sounds interesting to you and is something you really want to try, if so, Go For It!
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