Dave Espino Emails

These are unembellished, unsolicited customer testimonials about this program:

Name of the Company You are Reviewing:: Dave Espino Auctions for Income

Your Name: Rachel & Clancy B.

Location(ex: Austin, Tx):: Show Low, Arizona

Is your review based on FIRSTHAND information?: Yes

E-mail Address: rachelXXXX@yahoo.com

IP: (United States)

Oh Yeah! We bought into this scam bigtime! And we are still trying to cancel the 100s of dollars coming out of our account monthly for "helping tools" like Webbuilder for 49.99 month(what?) and auction management for 29.99 month (Ebay for 15.99), not to mention the $8700.00 (OUCH) we paid up front to be "picked" as a success story! And we are not stupid people!!

We are in real estate and wanted a sideline business for taxes. One of the first questions they asked us was whether or not we had any Ebay experience-we didn't-now we know why they ask that-they didn't want us to know that everything could be found on Ebay for next to nothing!!

We learned nothing from Dave Espino's scam other than we were taken in for a little over $10.000.00 in upfront charges, and are now paying in excess of 200.00 per month for the "help"-HAH! PLEASE PEOPLE-DON'T BUY INTO THIS SCAM! We finally gave up trying to learn from Dave Espino's Band of Bandits and asked Fellow Ebayers for help, who were happy to give info away for FREE! Ebay is a wonderful place full of honest and helpful people-ask your questions there, and support your fellow Ebayers, not this SCAM Artist!!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!



I have tried and tested hundreds of opportunities and ONLY ONE still provides a ROCK SOLID Income. To see it Click Here

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Another Customer Review:

Name of the Company You are Reviewing:: Dave Espino

Your Name: Chanel M.

Location(ex: Austin, Tx):: Newport News, VA

Is your review based on FIRSTHAND information?: Yes

E-mail Address: phil.XXX@live.com

IP: (United States)

Thank God!(literally) I did not get sucked into that trap. Hallelujah! I wish I knew about you earlier. I ordered Dave Espino's information and soon realized that it was not what it claimed to be. After getting calls from one of his employees(Max)where I had to persuade him that I was worth their time, so I could pay more money! I was led to look them up and that step saved me my last thousand dollars. Your website is AWESOME! I will refer everyone I know.

Thanks Again!


I have tried and tested hundreds of opportunities and ONLY ONE still provides a ROCK SOLID Income. To see it Click Here

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Another Customer Review:

THANK YOU for your site! I ALMOST spent $6000 of borrowed money to pay for"guaranteed success" from Dave Espino's marketing program I paid for. Also, before the information even hasarrived at my house, I'm getting calls, asking for $2,400 to "guarantee mysuccess", and I WOULD HAVE probably done it by this afternoon, but decided tostart checking on the internet to find out if there way ANYONE who had the realscoop on this new trend.

It seems that they are offering the infomercial, then 2 months later hittingwith a call offering their "professional help" for enormous amounts. I evenwrote last week asking WHY they offer this AFTER the INFOMERCIAL ALREADYSTATES YOU WILL GET RICH FROM IT!

I even accused them of paying their peopleon TV to say they made them rich, and that they were probably crying out ofloss..not gratitude! They got really cranked up with me and I got appologeticphone calls, but STILL they tried to get my money!!! Little bells were going offin my head that "scam" was in the air, but in my despiration, I was still goingto keep trying.

I'm so tired and in need of a REAL program to work on, and am so glad I found yoursite before I got hit any worse

Sincerely,Debbie P.


I have tried and tested hundreds of opportunities and ONLY ONE still provides a ROCK SOLID Income. To see it Click Here

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Another Customer Review:

Hello, I ordered the auctions for income kit and received a call from Dave Espino's office. They wanted 4900 to start not 2000. And when I told him that I wanted to think it over, he was upset.



I have tried and tested hundreds of opportunities and ONLY ONE still provides a ROCK SOLID Income. To see it Click Here

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