
CyberWize is just one of many Home Business programs that I receive emails about and they are usually "sour grapes" and people complaining about their unsuccessful ventures. From time to time, I get an honest candid assessment and of course, I realize there are two sides to every story, but this unsolicited email says a lot.



I was involved with Cyberwize for almost a year. I feel that it is a great company, but has too many products to market.

When speaking with a prospect, you have a few seconds to give your speil, and with this, it was to hard. I did have some success with the company and made some money.

The owners of are awesome and are always looking out for the Independent Business owner first. They really want stand the test of time and will do what ever it takes to make this happen. They do seem to expect everybody to spend tons of money on training materials and products that didn't seem necessary to me.

Alroducts are first class and helped many people that purchased them from me. They have two awesome products called Stress X and Vital PSP. I would recommend these two products to anyone. All in all, Cyberwize is a good company with a great foundation, but they were just not what I was looking for.

Great products, good pay plan, and a not so good opportunity unless you want to sell a ton of products.


Kerrville, TX


After years of testing opportunities, most of them waste my time and don't generate much money because you have to chase people around trying to SELL IT! They ALL have to much competition and don't offer a Totally Unique Product to a Huge Existing Market. But I have found THE ONE that pays the Best, has True Mass Appeal, is One-OF-A-Kind, and has NO COMPETITION! On top of that, hardly anyone has even heard of it yet, but those that have, including Yours Truly, are already making all kinds of money. To find out which one Beats All Others Click Here

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