Affiliate Cash Snipers

Affiliate Cash Snipers is being endorsed by Michael Rasmussen and now you will find out if it will work for YOU!

Affiliate Cash Snipers claims to be a 3 in 1 software that will make it simple for you to be an "affiliate" for major retailers and "rake in the profits."

It supposedly gives you the ability to put a little icon on your website (if you have one) that will "easily" allow people to go to a website of a major online retailer where they can purchase and you make a commission.

The reality is that first, obviously, you must have a website. That website must also be in the niche that the Affiliate Cash Sniper button, on that website, is pointing to.

If the button is just pointing to a place like Wal-Mart and it is not VERY targeted to a certain product or group of products, it's fantasy land!

Affiliate Cash Snipers says that it gives you the software to target the most profitable niches or products, which is great, now it's YOUR turn to go and put together a WEBSITE that is specific to that niche.

The idea of Affiliate Cash Snipers sounds great, the reality of it is much different. How do you get your little icon in front of the people that are looking for just that thing at that store.

It all comes back to ADVERTISING. You will need to be pumping out some serious Niche Blogs and slaving to get them ranked or doing PAY-PER-CLICK which will break you, because remember: In most cases you will be competing AGAINST the very places that you are trying to send people in the first place, think about that!

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