/ and by Mark Hodges are mirror sites and they sell the same things. Now you are about to find out if this is on the up and up. This review is kind of long, but it would benefit you to read the whole thing!

There are all kind of websites that CLAIM to be Review Sites and this is one of them. These sites are simple one page sites and this one even has an audio. Mark Hodges comes on and says that he is going to tell you the truth about all the Home Business Opportunities, but he does not have ANY reviews except on the ones he is trying to sell.

The website you are on right now is a REAL Review Site with over 1200 reviews and has been around for Years. So I know what time it is with and you are about to know it too.

These programs offered on are suspect to say the least.

The first one by Gary Jezorski deals with ECurrency Trading which is so risky it is ridiculous. This guy(who on other sites goes by a different name) basically claims to be the inventor of Ecurrency Trading and that couldn't be further from the truth. There WERE several people that offered this WAY before this guy came along.

If you are not familiar with ECurrency Trading You can click on the blue link for a further explaination, but you should read this whole page first. Basically, it is when you send money to an unregulated Off-Shore company and they use it to by shares of Ecurrency.

You are supposed to make a spread on the brokering of this. If you don't know what ECurrency is suffice it to say, you DON'T want to get involved. These off-shore companies have STOLEN a lot of money from a lot of people and the original websites that offered this are gone, this guy is milking it.

The Next "legitimate" program created by Dave Purves deals with adsense(where you place little ads on your website and whenever someone clicks on them, you get a few pennies). This has been done to death and the main problem is it takes people away from YOUR website and you have only made a penny or two.

You would need Hundreds of links on different websites to even make much at all. Then there are Clickband Affiliate links where you are supposed to make money when and IF anyone buys from you. The reality is that you MUST advertise these programs in PPC(pay-per-click) and you are competing with others doing the same thing. EXPENSIVE!

And "legit" program 3 is dealing with Ebay Auctions. You are suppose to get this program for just the shipping charge, but what happens in reality is that: You pay the shipping and if you don't send it back in time, they charge you again. I have had reports that it is VERY difficult to stop these monthly charges.

I may seem bitter and negative about all this, but I get upset when someone uses the Review Site concept and all they do is try to gain your trust and sell old Programs. Sure, I sell a product, but it has helped many people make A LOT of money online and you better believe, even though there are next to no refund requests, I honor my policy 100%. If you don't think my site is real, just take a look around!

I have tried and tested Hundreds of "opportunities" and ONLY ONE still provides a Rock Solid Income. To see it for yourself Click Here

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