Dale Douglas / Personal Income Cash Machine

Dale Douglas offers internet marketing information called The Personal Income Cash Machine and his Weekly Cash Income program is supposed to teach you how to be successful on the internet.

Many report that the information is fragmented and never really gets around to telling you much of anything. This promises to tell you important details and then goes into some long personal story, omitting all but the superficial details.

Apparently, this guy is super busy because he never answers the phone or emails. It makes you wonder if he actually exists! This presents a problem if you want your money back and most do! I am always wary of sales letters that talk too much about religion, it seems like an effort to lower your defenses.

Dale Douglas and The Personal Cash Income Machine goes on and on about how they want to "give back" because of what he has been given. According to my sources, the "giving back" part does not include refunds as promised!

This is just one of the countless "internet Opportunities" that claim to show you how to make money on the internet, but the reality is, most of these people have NEVER done it themselves. Their information is incomplete and ineffective, this seems to be no different.

There is some useful information offered by Weekly Cash Income, but not near enough to truly help you succeed. What you need is a simple step-by-step formula that will tell the whole story!

Based on what I have seen and heard, I do not recommend Dale Douglas or the Personal Income Cash Machine.

I have tried and tested hundreds of Online opportunities and ONLY ONE still provides a ROCK SOLID Income. To see it Click Here

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