Crazy FoxCrazyFox.com seems to have ads on every TV channel you turn on. You have probably seen it as something like 279CrazyFox.com and I will tell you why later. I was interested to find out what the Real Deal was and you are about to find out! When you initially sign up for more information they will ask you for your basic information, including your phone number. Then you will receive a phone call almost immediately, in my case the lady was nice enough as she was trying to get me to give them a credit card, so they could CHARGE me $9.95 just to get more information! The person told me that this was a "screening" call to see if I was "qualified" to participate. I continually asked her to tell me more about the company, opportunity, or just give me a clue, but she refused. Continuing to state that this was a "screening" call to see if I was "worthy!" I subsequently found out that that the initial package contains a brochure, DVD, and a tape that explains more about the oppodrtunity. Crazy Fox is actually a "FEEDER" program for Herbalife, the big Multi-Level Marketing Company. That means that Crazy Fox was actually put together by a particular representative or group of representatives for this MLM company. The idea is to get you involved, so that you can then get others involved. To become a member of CrazyFox will cost you Big Bucks just to get your foot in the door and have any chance of succeeding! To solve this problem, you either must buy leads or participate in some sort of rotating lead co-op which will typically cost easily $500-$1000/mnth or more. This is the reason for the different number in front of crazyfox.com when you see the commercials. They are trying to keep up with where the leads come from and who gets them. Some programs even penalize you if you don't take part in the lead program and charge you a certain amount for NOT participating? However you get the leads you will have the pleasure of spending your time on the telephone trying to do the same thing that was done to you. But remember, this is for an MLM, which means that there will also be a monthly volume requirement, in other words, you will be required to also buy a certain amount of product each month to remain qualified with the MLM part of the deal. The lure of the Crazy Fox.com "Feeder" program is the "SYSTEM" and the website. Many similar programs claim that they are automated or almost automated and that very little work is required. The testimonials might be real or they may be from people who have worked the MLM for a long time and actually have nothing to do with CrazyFox. In my book, automated means that you set it up once and it continues to work for you, WITHOUT having to call people and then call them back again! Setting up a profitable internet business that really is automated in not as difficult as you might think. You won't need to call people or waste big money buying leads that may or may not be legit. I have tried hundreds of online opportunities and ONLY ONE still provides a Rock Solid Income. To see it for yourself Click Here
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