Make Money NOW!

I guarantee, you are about to make one of the smartest decisions of your life.

You will NEVER again see ANYTHING that gives you the ability, with very Little Effort (NO SELLING), to make a great deal of money. This will give you an excellent income starting IMMEDIATELY.

Here is how it works:

As a representative there is a one-time set-up of only $149.00 (it cost me to put you in) and a monthly maintenance of $50.00. The rep has the right to send as many messages to as many recipients as desired at no additional cost: the simple flat fee of $50.00 per month (cancel at any time) is all you pay, this is your key marketing tool.

Quite frankly, not being mean, but if you don't make WAY more(at least 20 X more) than $50/mnth, with our automated system (no joke), you shouldn't even be trying to do a business at all.

Representatives have the right to offer the service to any individual or business to be a user/client. The commission for so doing will be 50% of the setup fee (50% of $99 = $50.00) PLUS 50% of the monthly user fee (50% of $50.00 = $25.00) for as long as the client keeps the service and is an active member (in other words, paying his user fee of $50.00/month).

You will be paid via PayPal within days of our admin office receiving payment from the client/user who joins the program.

We have people bringing in 2, 3, or more clients a day, so let me give you an example of what this would mean to you with just: 5 clients per week = $375 up front and $500/mnth in residual income, with 10 clients a week = $750 up front and $1000/mnth in residual income.

Also understand that this residual grows each month! If you continued averaging 5 clients a week, the next month your residual would be $500.00/mnth, the next month $1000, and so on. Double that if you average 10 per week, all with no additional work on your part, and don't forget the $75 a pop up front money and a piece of the action for every rep you bring in {this is NOT MLM).

Starting to get the picture? No competition, unique product that businesses of ANY kind MUST have to compete under these economic conditions, and they KNOW IT when they see it!

There is absolutely NOTHING out there that can put you in the money like this will (with NO competition) and will continue to pay you month after month for life.

We are going to help you build this income by providing you the training and the marketing materials for FREE. This is so simple you won't believe it, if you will follow our system. If you don't make money, I'll be happy to return your money, but believe me, you won't be wanting it back!

Simply click on the PayPal button and complete the PayPal Process.

When finished MAKE SURE to click on the button that says, “Return To Merchant” and then you will be returned to a page that gives you instructions on what to do next. It takes all of 5 minutes and you are good to go!

This is the one time cost to MAKE A TON OF MONEY!

You DO NOT have to have a PayPal Account, just look to the left for "Don't have a PayPal Account" and click "Continue" MAKE SURE to click the "RETURN TO MERCHANT" button when you are finished to come back here and finish!


This one is for the the service that you will use to show your customers, it will be invaluable to you. This is how you will do the simple little demo to BLOW your potential customers minds!

If you don't have a PayPal account, just look below where it asks for your name and password for "Don't have a PayPal account?"

After you finish this, you be directed to a page that will start you making money TODAY! You can cancel at any time, if you want to stop making money, that is.

MAKE SURE to click the "RETURN TO MERCHANT" button when you are finished!